St. William School Web Site

Saturday, June 16, 2018

6th Grade 2018

Thanks to Aleks, we have one last class photo to share with everyone. What a great bunch of kids you all are!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Thank You 6th Grade!

A Year in Review

Thank you for everything 6th grade!!!



Congratulations to our 2nd place SWS Saints soccer team!

If anyone has any other photos from the game, please feel free to send them my way, thanks!

Monday, June 11, 2018

BASH 2018

Last Day of School at SWS for 2018


Want to see photos from this year's BASH? Visit our Facebook page by clicking on this LINK or click on the Facebook link that is listed at the top of this page.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Farewell 2018 6th Grade


Well, it’s that time of the school year when we reminisce about what was
hopefully a school year that you grew in faith, learned something new, changed
your thinking about something, and laughed. I don’t know about you, but I thought
this school year went by quickly. Sure there were those few days where you looked
at the clock and thought--Ugh, it’s only 10:00 A.M. But I also hope you had plenty
of days where you looked the clock and thought--Wow, it’s 3:00 P.M. already?

You grew so much in your thinking through the experience of reading The Giver
and that’s one of the main reasons why the book is treasured by so many readers.
To keep with the idea of symbolism, which you grasped wonderfully, my gift to you
is a symbol. Did you really expect your end of the year gift remembrance wouldn’t
be a symbol?

My little gift to celebrate the end of the year is a bottle of bubbles? Bubbles? Yep!
I know you are thinking--what are you thinking Mrs. Z.? We are going into 7th grade,
not 3rd! I hope by now that you can look at an object in different ways, and my goal
s for you to never look at a book the same way again and the same is true for this
bottle of bubbles.

In the bottle is just clear liquid waiting to escape the bottle. You are the liquid
waiting to escape maybe 6th grade to 7th grade, or just waiting to escape
school for summer vacation. You open the cap and you get the burst of the fresh
scent that hits your nose. The smell reminds you of how much fun that something
as simple as blowing bubbles was when you were younger. Because unlike Jonas,
you have the memories of just being a kid. Now you are ready to blow that first
bubble; maybe your blew too hard or too soft. It takes you a few tries to get it just
right, but eventually you are blowing multiple bubbles and large billowy ones.
Just like when you tried a skill for the first time; maybe you tried so hard your
head hurt or you didn’t put the effort into the task. With practice and perseverance,
you finally got it and amazed yourself at how well you completed the task of
something like writing a formal essay. Remember how difficult that was? Now
look at your writing skills! You tried and you succeeded. Lastly, the bubble itself
is a symbol. A bubble is a symbol of sheer joy of floating in the air, like when you
are so happy that you feel like you're floating. You can often see a rainbow in a
bubble, which is seen as a sign of hope that is hovering over you. Finally,
bubbles can also be seen as your dream or goal. I truly hope no one ever
bursts your bubble.

You are all special and unique to me, just like when you blow bubbles. I hope
you have a wonderful summer. Best wishes for much success in 7th grade.
May God bless you and keep you safe.

Mrs. Zaccaria

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

SWS 6th GR--STEM--Solar Ovens

If you would like a copy of the photos, please send me an email and I will send them to you. Please let me know by June 15, thank you.

6th gr. students worked in teams to build solar ovens. Then we took them outside and tracked the inside the oven temperature every couple of minutes. Ovens started at about 81 degrees F and rose to 140-170 degrees F. We melted chocolate and marshmallows. Science is always fun when you can eat your experiments and we sure did! Yum!--Smores and Sundaes.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Field Trip

Adler Planetarium

Second, sixth, and seventh grade spent the day at the Adler Planetarium. We had fun interacting with the exhibits and you will see, some of us had fun playing with an air vent, while others sang. The goal was to spend part of the day outside along the Lake, but as your kids probably told you, the gusty winds and chilly temps spoiled our plans. 😞😞
Thank you to our wonderful chaperones for all their help! SWS has the BEST families!

Catholic Schools Week 2019 (CSW)