This year, 3rd, 6th, and 7th grade led Stations of the Cross almost every Friday during Lent. 6th & 7th did a lovely job reading the open prayer, 14 Stations, and closing prayer. Thank you students for voluneetering to read and some of you read each week. Students also led the Holy Thursday prayer service for the student, faculty, and parents. More pictures and videos can be found on Facebook. The link can be found at the top of this page.
Wonderful job!
Cyrus led the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Gloy Be prayers.
Students in 3rd-8th grade were treated to a story read by a Trinity High School graduate who was also accompanied by Mrs. Williams who is from the SWS class of 1983 and currently works as the Director of Marketing & Admission at Trinity H.S. Students were treated to a story called She Persisted, by Chelsea Clinton, in honor of Women's History Month. Mrs. Williams left us with this important message--"Let’s hope the message of persistence and determination resonates, and that they always remember that no voice is too small and that no dream is too big....for everyone, girls and boys! They are our future and the future certainly looks bright."
We had a great time unboxing the Chromebooks. 5th-8th grades are now 1:1 with Chromebooks. Personally, I'm thrilled beyond belief. Currently, I'm a graduate student at Dominican University working towards a technology specialist endorsement and my second masters. Part of my homework was to develop and implement a technology plan and if you haven't gussed by now, my project was to go 1:1 with Chromebooks. My journey started in October and became a reality in February, with the actual start of the 1:1 program in March. It was a labor of love for a school I love with parents and students who mean the world to me. Having the 6th grade students join me on my quest to continually improve our tech program was exciting.
Thank you 6th grade students for all your help with getting the devices ready. It's an exciting time to be a SWS Saint!
A big THANK YOU to the Wetzel Family, whose generous donation made it possible for the students to have wireless mice, which makes it easier for our students to use the devices.
I added the photos without the video so you could see the entire photo.
Mr. Z.'s last couple days at St. William School. After 11 years as a SWS student and two years of teaching p.e. and as a substitute, Mr. Z. bids farewell. He is currenlty finishing his graduate studies, from De Paul University, as a student teacher at Trinity High School.
6th grade's last p.e. class with Mr. Z.
Mr. Z. helping us out with getting our new Chromebook charging cart to our classroom.
It's a good thing, but it seems every time I take a class photo a new student joins our class within a very short time. We welcome all our new SWS friends this year. Two days after I had class photos printed, I was informed a new student was going to join our class. Welcome Maria! We are glad you are part of you growing classoom. Here are the new class photos.
Staley the Bear, the Chicago Bears mascot, spent some time with SWS students to show us how to handle a bully. The presentation was fun and informative. To see more photos, visit our Facebook page; the link is at the top of this page.